

New company branch in The Netherlands


We are pleased to announce that SEL has opened a new operational branch in the Netherlands on March 25th.
The office and warehouse are located in Aalsmeer, a strategic area from a logistical point of view, 5 minutes from the Amsterdam Schipol Aiport and close to the port of Rottedam, the largest seaport and the first in Europe for total freight handled.
Our experienced Dutch team is at disposal for any logistics need, wether it is air, sea, land freight, special transport, ATA carnet, customs clearance or set up for fairs and events.
"With our offices in Italy and the Netherlands we are able to optimise and manage any logistics movement across Europe and overseas. Do get in contact with us for any enquiry or commercial request. We will be able to offer you the best possible solution." - says Pier Carlo Bottero, SEL CEO.

Do not hesitate to contact us, these are our references:

SEL - Netherlands B.V. 

Aalsmeerderweg 98 C
1432 CT Aalsmeer


+31 (06) 38185202


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SEL - Sport & Events Logistics S.r.l. Società Benefit


Via Bruno Buozzi 28, 10024 Moncalieri (TO), Italy

Phone +39.011.3981200 – VAT no.: IT.09962330016

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