Sport on the move

Air Freight

Ocean Freight

Land Freight

Custom Clearance

ATA Carnet

Warehousing & Distribution

Cargo Charter

Forklifts & Cranes

On Site Coordination

Luxury Cars Handling

Air Freight

Ocean Freight

Land Freight

Custom Clearance

ATA Carnet

Warehousing & Distribution

Cargo Charters

Forklifts & Cranes

On Site Coordination

Luxury Cars Handling

Our logistics service handles the transport of materials, sports equipment, cars, motorbikes and everything else needed for a sports event.
We work without borders, handling all transport documents and customs operations.
We are specialists in sport: we have dedicated technical expertise to handle the timing and issues of each discipline.
We offer turnkey solutions, planning every action to ensure smooth performance.
Our attention to detail allows us to respond to every critical issue and always be on time, because we know that every second counts in sport.