

Racing logistics: interview of Riders on Tour with our CEO, Pier Carlo Bottero


Motorbike races (but also car, canoe, bike races...) cannot prescind from a good logistic organisation able to magically make appear everything necessary in the different places of the world where events take place. 

Whoever collects the teams' crates and organises them to be transported around the world is a bit like the "Men in Black" in the paddock, they are not seen very much (never on TV) and they make sure that you have everything you need where you need it.

To understand more how this essential sector for motorsport works the blog Riders on Tour, a web platform specialised on races and motorbike travels, has interviewed on the subject our CEO Pier Carlo Bottero, who knows the topic very well.

Have a look here:…/skypecall-pier-carlo-…/


SEL - Sport & Events Logistics S.r.l. Società Benefit


Via Bruno Buozzi 28, 10024 Moncalieri (TO), Italy

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